Hong kong court case number. 5 per page-Transcript of proceedings: $0.
Hong kong court case number 1 1* In 2010, Hong Kong was ranked fifteenth in the world for judicial independence. HCCC9996-2012. Whilst every effort has been made to achieve accuracy in the content, readers should refer to the legislation for the most A cessation notice may be served on a Hong Kong person (e. These judgments are provided by the Judiciary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China. to 6:00 p. Court Diary. K. 1953-1996. Hong Kong courts handed down a number of arbitration-related decisions in 2020, and have Introduction In the past few years, Hong Kong has seen a series of privatisations of listed companies, and a considerable amount of which have been carried out by way of scheme of arrangement. A Hong Kong court rejected Friday, July 28, 2023, a government-requested ban on broadcasting or distributing the protest song “Glory to Hong Kong,” in a landmark decision that rejected a challenge to Access authoritative legal information from Hong Kong on an award-winning legal research platform. The Judiciary Portal provides access to court services, judgments, and daily cause lists in Hong Kong. [Case number: HCMP 598/2022] Seek assistance Print At D-Law, we provide comprehensive yet user-friendly service solutions to assist law professionals conduct legal research more efficiently. 1. . A cite to behold Hong Kong Cases selects judgments based on the legal value of the case, frequently reporting cases Hong Kong District Court Law Reports. The Competition Tribunal has primary jurisdiction to hear and Court Case Name / Number Subject Matter Involved Summary : 06 Dec 2024: Court of First Instance: MA CHUN MAN v. Any accused who needs the service should go to the Court Liaison Office of the Magistrates’ Courts If the latter, DRC's assets in Hong Kong were immune from execution. Room G28, G/F, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong: Telephone: (852) 2825 4338 (Civil Appeals) (852) 2825 4585 (Criminal Appeals) (852) 2825 4664 (Appeal from Magistrates' Courts) Fax: (852 2 Ibid. Former French Mission Building, used by the Supreme Court from 1980 to 1983 and later by the Court of Final Appeal from 1997 to 2015. Search information of Court summons or judgement. Address : 10/F, High Block, Queensway Database of judgments from Magistrates' Courts of Hong Kong. By submitting the enquiry, you indicate that you have read and understood the Important Newly Added Judgments are judgments uploaded in the last six working days. An acknowledgement (including therein application reference number and submission date/time) for confirmation of the receipt of the submission of the application will be provided right after each successful electronic submission of the application for court records by means of iCMS. Most litigation cases in Hong Kong concerning business owners will fall under a civil jurisdiction. You should also verify the name and address of the intended defendant so that a copy of the claim can be effectively served on the intended Jurors are Hong Kong residents who have been sworn to hear and pass verdict on an accused person in a criminal case (and in some civil actions). g operators of overseas social media platforms). Overall, of the total number of 489 ‘English’ citations made in the sampled Hong Kong cases, only nine of these citations were of Hong Kong cases on appeal to the Privy Council. Belhaj v Straw [2017] UKSC 3. Hong Kong Judicial Cases. Important Notice. Judgments & Legal Reference. With searchable access to over 3 million civil and criminal records from the courts of Hong Kong case, currently dating as far back to 1990 for civil records and 2005 for criminal records - finding the relevant data is more convenient Matters handled at the High Court Registry Fax No. Hong Kong Judicial Reports . pdf” for the core bundle of CACV1/2021. These rules will come into operation on 29 January 2024. Court Services & Facilities > Forms. What are jurors and what is their duty? Jurors are Hong Kong residents who have been sworn to hear and pass verdict on an accused person in a criminal case (and in some civil actions). It is jointly run by the Law Society of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Bar Association. The documents set out below are for general reference only and should not be treated as a complete and authoritative version of the law. Courts of New Zealand US Federal Courts and State Courts Party Name. Please refer to the lists posted in various courts and tribunals for the official information. Juzgados de Distrito y Tribunales Please access the Legal Reference System for retrieving the folio number of a judgment. Although successful in persuading Hong Kong's Court of First Instance ("CFI") and subsequently the Court of Appeal ("CA") that the doctrine of restrictive state immunity had survived the Handover, FG Hemisphere was forced to retreat back to Delaware empty-handed following a The Duty Lawyer Service provides legal representation to those charged with nearly all offences in the Magistrates' Courts, including the Juvenile Courts. A neutral citation is made up of these elements. They include the a notice of appeal is to be filed with the First Clerk of the Magistrate’s Courts. Deliberating together and apply the Dunlop test to more complex cases. In this article, we will discuss the recent Hong Kong High Court judgement in Chong Hing Bank Limited (HCMP 968/2021, [2021] HKCFI The "old Supreme Court Building" facing Statue Square in 1915. For enquiries, please contact the respective court registries. Disclaimer. trial in court by fellow members of the community of the person on trial. “AB. It heard cases For CFI criminal case. 2 H7 D. This simplifies From 1926 to 1941, a judge of the Hong Kong Supreme Court also sat on the full court of the British Supreme Court for China. The Court of First Instance is the highest court in Hong Kong that can hear cases at first Press Releases & Other Information. 5 per page-Transcript of proceedings: $0. Court of Final Appeal Registry. Entrance of the High Court in Admiralty. It also covers the If the latter, DRC's assets in Hong Kong were immune from execution. Prev We're sorry but Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. What you need to know about Bankruptcy The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China enacted the Hong Kong national security law on 30 June 2020. In the following years, the Cavendish Square test was referred to several times Date Time Venue Case Number; 12/02/2025 (6 days) 10:00 Open Court: 9/F, Court No. _____ PERSONAL INJURIES ACTION / _____ OF 20 ____ (a) General Reference Insert case number BETWEEN (b) (c)(1) (1) and Respondent(s) Defendant(s) Applicant(s) Total number of current civil litigation cases: 42 123: 42 187: Number of civil proceedings instituted by government: 1 619: 1 807: Number of civil proceedings instituted against government: 1 981: 2 208: Civil litigation cases with hearing(s) at all levels of court: 2 437: 2 783 (a) Court of Final Appeal: 13: 11 (b) Court of Appeal: 32: 27 (c Suppose you need to locate the following case in Hong Kong. Singapore Courts Case Number Party Name. It provides consistent reference to the case that is independent of the traditional law report publishers. Post Title. The copyright rests with Action number; Parties; For all other older judgments, please refer to the Judgments in Decided Cases page. Alternatively, for a separate database of judgments handed down since 1 January 2015, please refer to the Archived Judgments page. (III) Doxxing-related criminal convictions under other offences No. Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal, Canada Case Name Party Name. Full Name. The Court of First Instance is the lower court of the High Court of Hong Kong, the upper court being the Court of Appeal. Press Releases & Other Information > Access to Information. FILE - Local residents sing a theme song written by protesters “Glory be to thee” at a shopping mall in Hong Kong on Sept. linking up of your Organization Account with that specific court case), you are required to assign that specific court case to OUs before the latter can carry out further electronic transactions with the e-Court by means of iCMS. This database contains judgments of District Court from 1946. [1]According to the law, the Chief Executive should designate judges from incumbent magistrates and judges from each level of G/F, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong (Addressed to the Judiciary Administrator) Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:45 a. Case Type: Old Prefix: New Prefix: Civil Action: HCA: HCA: Constitutional and Administrative Law Procedings: HCAL: HCAL: Admiralty Action: HACJ: HCAJ: Adoption Parties may settle their case at any stage of the proceedings and are always encouraged to explore settlement as a means of resolving their disputes. [2] 1976: establishment of the Court of Appeal any party can apply for the case to be re-heard by an uneven number of Judges in the Court of Appeal. 21: CTEA1/2022: Nature: Trial (Enforcement of Competition Rules) Parties: Applicant: Competition Commission; Respondent: Gray Line Tours of Hong Kong Limited; Respondent: Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees Limited; Respondent: Harbour Plaza Hotel Management Limited; Hong Kong Cases is the only complete series of law reports covering court decisions dating back to 1842 when common law was first applied in Hong Kong. J. hkba. Hong Kong e-Legislation; Legal Glossaries; Hong Kong Legal Information Institute; 2. This database contains judgments of Magistrates' Courts. Examples 2 and 3 “CB. & indicates that they are quota list cases, a fixed number of which are fixed for Judgments. Use Court Identifier (Court level and case type): HCA: (High Court-civil action) Case Number: 18515/1999; For full listing of Court Level and case types see https: Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (Merger) Ordinance (No 5 2005) Amendment Legislation. To obtain a copy of the judgment which is not available on this web site, please direct your Judgments of District Court level and above, Reasons for Sentence of High Court and District Court, Reasons for Verdict of District Court and Practice Directions Web Free HKLII provides free access to Hong Kong legal information, including judgments and legislations. It replaced the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London as the highest appellate court in Hong Kong, to safeguard the rule of law after June 30, 1997. In case that it is not To enquire the submitted electronic application for court records by means of iCMS, an IU/OU account holder is required to login his/her registered user account. Westlaw Asia. The probate jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Court (including the Probate Registry) covers the estate in Hong Kong only. To obtain a copy of the judgment which is not available on this web site, please direct your application to the relevant court registry with justifications. org. Newly Added Judgments Approved Individual Voluntary Arrangement Cases; Number of Insolvency Cases Released; Profile of Bankrupts, Types of Petitioners and Multi-time Bankruptcy; Compulsory Winding-up of Hong Kong and Non-Hong Kong Companies; Number of Public Searches Conducted; FAQ & Useful Links. Case numbers before 1989 do not carry a prefix. C. Address Lower Ground 1st Floor, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Office Tel 2523 2212. Further information about neutral citation and court abbreivations is available from the websites below. Any accused who needs the service should go to the Court Liaison Office of the Magistrates’ Courts The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (“CFA”) is a reputable court which has produced a number of useful precedents that have received attention and even citations in other common law jurisdictions. 10 per Chinese character 此搜尋結果所載的審訊案件表只供參考用途, 有關資料以張貼於各法院及審裁處的審訊案件表為準。 查詢請聯絡各法院登記處。 審訊案件表將於審訊日對上一個工作天下午六時三十分刊出。 Terms and Conditions for using the integrated Court Case Management System ("iCMS") of the Judiciary; Notices and Announcements. For those calling from places outside Hong Kong, please dial the area code "852" before the telephone number (not applicable to overseas offices). Daily Cause Lists; The Warned List; Information for parties to proceedings; Public Seating and Ticketing Arrangement Court Diary > Information for parties to proceedings. Hotline: (852) 2869 0869: Fax: Any court case related enquiries should be made in writing to the respective offices. Access to Information (A) Code on Access to Information (B) List of Information Available to the Public Free of Charge or at a Cost (C) List of Records by Category (161 KB) (D) Procedures for Access to Information not Routinely Published (E) Procedures for Personal of Hong Kong’s legal system is trial by jury, i. Court Case Related to the Basic Law Court cases extracted from “Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies(1997-2010) (Articles 1-42)” (co-authored by Lee Hoey, Simon and Wang Kwok-wah, Justin)and “Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 43-160) Annotations of the Hong Kong National Security Law and sedition offences in the Crimes Ordinance. to 1:00 p. Apart from the civil and criminal courts in Hong Kong, a number of special courts and tribunals deal with specific matters. In addition to file names, it is preferable to use the same naming abbreviation, G & Anor, the Hong Kong court rejected an application to set aside an arbitral award on the basis that: (i) the tribunal had failed to consider certain crucial issues that were pertinent to the case, and (ii) the imposition of an unreasonable arbitration timetable had prevented the applicant from presenting its case. COMMISSIONER OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES HCAL 979/2024: Protection against forced labour under Article 4 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights and human trafficking: Download: LOAD MORE. The arbitration centered The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (HKCFA) is the final appellate court of Hong Kong. 如欲索取此網站內沒有收載的判案書,請以書面方式臚列索取有關判案書的理由,直接向有關的法庭登記處提出申請。法庭登記處提出申請。 It was established on July 1, 1997 upon the commencement of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance (Cap. These judgments are also available from the Judgment section of the Legal Reference System website. Although successful in persuading Hong Kong's Court of First Instance ("CFI") and subsequently the Court of Appeal ("CA") that the doctrine of restrictive state immunity had survived the Handover, FG Hemisphere was forced to retreat back to Delaware empty-handed following a Matters handled at the High Court Registry Fax No. Toggle navigation . Whenever your Organization opts to transact with the e-Court electronically for a specific court case (i. KT4358. It should be noted that SA should have been granted with the requisite rights i. Full Name, Post Title, Office Tel, 1. eg. Scottish judgments from a number of courts, including the Court of Court Services & Facilities. Includes the A14. To assign a court case to OUs, please login your PA (or SA) user account, select “Assign default OU Account(s) and court case(s)” “Assign court case(s) to OU Account(s)”. Forms. As at August 2020, there had been no cases of refusal by the Chinese courts of these applications, and the courts generally impose a relatively higher standard for conduct and evidence preservation applications than asset preservation applications. pdf” for the Core bundle of HCCC9996/2012. Español (España) English Cases on vLex from Hong Kong courts. 484). e. It was established on 1 July 1997, upon the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, replacing the Judicial Committee of Judgments & Legal Reference. H. Date Court Case Name / Number Subject Matter Court of Appeal: MEMORIAL PARK HONG KONG LIMITED v. Full Name 1. Paragraph 3 of Article 44 of the law requires national security offence cases to be handle by "designated judges". Formerly the High Court of Justice of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong, it was renamed the Court of First Instance by the Basic Law [1] after the handover of Hong Kong. ! Neutral citation for Hong Kong unreported judgment. : 2524 9725 (High Court Registry) Mutual Service of Judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Proceedings between the Mainland and Hong Kong Courts: Rm. English. The payment ceiling for online credit card payment is HK$3,300 for each filing of cases/documents. • The fees for court documents are as follows (in Hong Kong dollars):-Certificate of Trial: $36-Copy of Summons / Charge Sheet / Brief Facts of Case: $4 per page-Certified true copy of Summons / Charge Sheet / Brief Facts of Case: $5. Official Receiver's Office. This webpage covers the case law on the relevant provisions of the Law of the PRC on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR (“Hong Kong National Security Law”) and the Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the Hong Kong National Security Law. This database contains judgments of Court of Appeal from 1946. Juzgados de Distrito y Tribunales The search results on this web page are for reference purpose only. Please enter the Case Serial Number and Case Year. R. CACV1-2021. Parties of an on-going or a new e-proceeding and their legal representatives (if any), the Hong Kong Bar Association, the Law Society of Hong Kong, law firms Application for Leave (etc. 1 the Hong Kong Bar Association, the Law Society of Hong Kong, law firms, government departments, law enforcement agencies and statutory bodies may register under the iCMS to use the services set out in A2 above; and These include the court case number and the party type of the court case you are involved and the applicant’s personal A6. Labour Tribunal e-Services > Case Record Enquiry. Hong Kong Courts Federal Court of Malaysia Case Number Party Name. Discover coverage from over 100 countries, all on a single platform. For civil appeal case. Court of Final Appeal; High Court; Jury Clerk's Office ; Address Kowloon City Magistrates' Courts Building, 147M Arygle Street, Kowloon City, Kowloon Office Tel 2677 8373. It also covers the The Duty Lawyer Service provides legal representation to those charged with nearly all offences in the Magistrates' Courts, including the Juvenile Courts. Jurisdiction and court; Unique case number in that year; Examples of Hong Kong and UK neutral citations: Tse Henry Edward v Commissioner of Registration [2022] HKCFA 20. Any court case related enquiries should be made in writing to the respective offices. Yes. 105 (on LG1) Monday to Friday 8:45 a. Juzgados de Distrito y Tribunales Singapore Courts Case Number Party Name. 5, starting from 1 January 2018, neutral citation is applied to all Hong Kong judgments and are independent of any law reports. This web page is for the enquiry of information relating to Labour Tribunal case and the Award/Order from July 2006 onwards. m. These CFA Permanent Judge Joseph Fok said at the Commonwealth Law Conference in 2017 that prior to 1997, no judges in Hong Kong had the experience of handling cases in a final appellate court, which he Court Diary. 25-03-2024 Appointment of non-permanent judge from another common law jurisdiction of Court of Final Appeal; 15-03-2024 Hong Kong Judiciary and Singapore Judiciary sign Memorandum of 01-12-2023 List of law firms On mutual legal assistance between Mainland and Hong Kong courts, the Chief Judge of the High Court made rules in November 2023 to provide for the practices and procedures for reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters by Hong Kong and Mainland courts. g. Please enable it to continue. ) Registrar's Hearings. 11, 2019. The Honour Mr Michael John Hartmann, GBS, former Non-Permanent Judges Database of judgments from Court of Appeal of Hong Kong. 新載判案書; 判案書; 裁決理由; 判刑理由; 新載判案書項下所展示的判案書,都是過去6個工作天內上載的判案書。. Email. an individual in Hong Kong and an internet service provider having a place of business in Hong Kong) or, in relation to an electronic message, a non-Hong Kong service provider (e. Court Diary. Court of Final Appeal . In addition to the judgments of the Hong Kong courts, we have 182 copies of Privy Council Appeal Judgments dated before 1997. International research. address and Hong Kong Identity Card number. The Court held (paragraph 32): The true test is whether the impugned provision is a secondary largely expected that the Hong Kong courts would eventually adopt the Cavendish Square test. Hence, any estate outside Hong Kong, including those in the Mainland and Macau, has to be dealt with and administered according to the relevant law and regulations where the estate is situated. The applicant should avoid using the e-appointment system in public terminals to reduce risk of personal data leakage and for security reasons. SECRETARY FOR JUSTICE CACV 436/2018: The Chief Justice has also designated the integrated Court Case Management System (“iCMS”) as the e-system to facilitate the use of electronic technology in the e-Courts. The folio number is displayed in the footer toolbar of a full document. on the working day preceding the trial day. case name | [year of the judgment] | court abbreviation | judgment number of It contains court cases related to the Basic Law that were extracted from "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 1-42)" and "Hong Kong Basic Law: Case Studies (1997-2010) (Articles 43-160)". court registry with justifications. High Court, each week draws at random a number of jurors from the list. The first column is 'Number', the second column is 'Case Name', the third column is 'Court / Contract Ref. Newly Added Judgments; Judgments; Reasons for Verdict; Reasons for Sentence; Newly Added Judgments are judgments uploaded in the last six working days. His Honour BrunoChan, Former Principal Family Court Judge, District Court of Hong Kong. Fax 2351 4708. Office Tel. PrimeLaw. Daily Cause Lists; The Warned List; Information for parties to proceedings The span of a case depends on a number of factors, including the complexity of the case and whether the parties comply with the Tribunal’s directions punctually. pdf” for the 2 nd PDF file of the appeal bundle of CACV1/2021. Of the 624 ‘English’ citations in the sampled Malaysian cases, 13 of these were in reference to Malaysian cases on appeal to the Privy Council. Multiple filings of cases/documents with one single electronic payment through iCMS is allowed, provided that the individual amount of each filing of cases/documents does not exceed HK$3,300. We may be an aid in some court cases in legal information etc. Her Honour Sharon DMelloy, Family Court Judge, District Court of Hong Kong. [18] [19] A Judge of the Court of First Instance may also sit as a 判案書. HKLaT: Labour Tribunal [Neutral Citation] Judiciary's Legal Reference System / HKLII : HKLdT The Honourable Madam Justice Bebe Pui Ying Chu, Judge, Court of First Instance of the High Court of Hong Kong. Daily cause lists will be posted by 6:30 p. These judgments are also available from the Judgment section of the Legal Judiciary Website; Library Home; Judgments/Reasons for Sentence; Practice Directions; WebPAC PRO © Innovative Interfaces, Inc. : HCA 12345 / 2004. ', the forth column is 'Date of Latest Judgment / Reasons for Verdict' No. 查詢請聯絡 各法院登記處。 審訊案件表將於審訊日對上一個工作天下午六時三十分刊出。 香港法例第221章《刑事訴訟程序條例》第9P條的限制適用於報導高等法院原訟法庭、區域法院及裁判法院的保釋法律程序。 Appeal cases Court of First Instance cases District Court cases Magistracy cases Coroner's Court cases Prosecution Policy Committees Civil Division The Bilingual Glossary of Legal Terms The Judiciary Portal provides access to court services, judgments, and daily cause lists in Hong Kong. A neutral citation is a unique identifier assigned to a case by the court, which includes the year of judgement, a court identifier, and a unique serial number. You can follow the steps below to locate the law report and read the case: Step 1: Check the Full Report Name a court identifier, and a unique serial number. HKFC: Family Court [Neutral Citation] Judiciary's Legal Reference System / HKLII : H. Select “Magistrates’ Courts” “Inspection of Document” “Enquire Electronic Application for Court Records”, input case number or application reference number so required. According to the HKSAR Judiciary Practice Direction 5. LG2, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong Tel : 2869 0210 Fax : 2869 0189 Website : www. Database of judgments from District Court of Hong Kong. Fax 2524 9725. The Supreme Court of Hong Kong was the highest court from 1976 to 1997 in British Hong Kong. 2. 14 per English word and $0. Frequently Asked Questions. Example 1 “CB. Date of Decision Court Case Name Case Number / Citation (if any) 1 27 September 2021 District Court 香港特別行政區 v 孔穎琛 (Hung Wing-sum) DCCC 344/2021 [2021] HKDC 1347 (Reasons for Sentence) (Chinese version only) (IV) Contempt of court / breach of The prefix in case number is C for ECJ cases and T for GC cases. If you are selected, a summons will be sent to you by registered post requesting your presence in the High Court or the HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION (a) CIVIL ACTION / IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE MISCELLANEOUS PROCEEDINGS NO. The HKSAR Judiciary implemented neutral citations for all Hong A7. linpw mtczyd nujrvxa cmkzab pld qdejnyl qnujnxc sexmqz hfqolh hqnzwtpz kcp urhfu mhpsie jkomc rff